miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014

My dream job

The first post of this semester is about my dream job. I study Public Administration and is expected to my dream job be high government official but this isn´t my case. But want to work in government someday my dream job is to have my own business. 

I love cook, is my passion. I could say that cook is my secret trade. I love cook in general. I cook salad food, home-cooked and in special cakes, cupcakes, cookies, chocolate bonbons, etc.  

For 4 years I became more interested in the sweet food, ie, cakes, pastries and chocolates, and I learned many techniques from internet. Currently I sell the cakes that I make in the university. My dream is to have my own place to install my bakery. To have my own machines and have the freedom to create new products would be my dream job. 

I hope to work many years in the public sector but when I will be tired I´ll to work in my business. I'll have enough to buy all the supplies money and I can work in my dream job. 

miércoles, 2 de julio de 2014

The last post .... or not?

Although he had already had a blog before, the experience I gained was much better. The overall experience was very good, because I could freely express my ideas, research about great personalities, or enjoys the images they published my classmates.

 In my case, my problem has always been the English grammar. I would have liked at the same time I wrote blogs in normal classes I have taught more than grammar, vocabulary, verb tenses, etc.
I think that writing the blog was not increased greatly my ability to write. I learned new words and use pages as linguee.es and wordreference.com

In the future I would like to work out a separate blog where all rules of English linguistics otherwise passed inclusion.

What I liked most of the activity was to give multiple sessions for free post. I also liked that an increasing number of words he demanded as this motivated me and gave me a new challenge.

I hope that after the English course 3 over, I do not stop writing in my blog. I've shared the link on my blog to some friends and they were able to read and enjoy the different post I have done. This motivates me to continue publishing.

Despite the above, it has been a good and unique experience.

Thank teacher.

Thanks classmates.

martes, 3 de junio de 2014

The increase of my sales

The best experience in the Faculty has been the increase of my sales. From the next year I sell alfajores into classes and always I sold around 20 or 30 alfajores for day. But this year my business grew and I somehow became famous. Many people  of others levels began to buy my sweets not just my classmates of level. This made me very happy. 

Given this increase in sales I decided to vary my products and made alfajores of different flavors like raspberry, orange, lucuma and mint, in order to attract more customers. Today I added another product to my business: cupcakes.

The latter product has enabled can further increase my profits and speed up the process in the "big buy" I want to do. All the money I collect with my sales I keep. It is very little expense.

I hope to get the amount I need this year and will achieve it thanks to all the people of the Faculty that day of day I buy my products.

martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

The most incredible dreams

Everyone has dreams. From the earliest age the people has dreams about their future activity or trade. For example when we child, we wanted to be a doctor, astronaut, firefighter, pilot, musician, etc. but when we were growing up ours dreams change. Ours dreams of child are fulfilled but the human person needs the dreams to continue the life. In this moment appear the most incredible dreams that go beyond of the trade or the daily life. 

For example, Martin Luther King was a person concerned for others. He says, "Life´s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?" He struggled unremittingly for the equality rights. He has a dream that his children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judge by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.  This kind of dream I like it. Dreams that go beyond our personal, but that project to the benefit of more people. The incredible, despite the sad end of Martin, is that today has achieved that equal rights for both "whites" and for color.

 The most impossible dreams can transforthemselves into reality if who to promote is persistent. 

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

My old fotoblog

Is very difficult to say about my old fotoblog because everything that appears in the fotoblog produce in me shame, nostalgia, happiness, and sorrow, many mixed and strange emotions. The Fotoblog is a website when I can upload different pictures or gifs. On March 25, 2005 was the first time when I upload a photo to my fotoblog. I was 13 years old and I didn't know what to do. I was extroverted and childlike. Despite this I like visiting my fotoblog and remember who was and who am now. 

Usually I edited the photo because is more entertaining. The photo appearing at the beginning, I did upload on July 20, 2005 and show when I was child on vacation in the Rio Laja. I like the stars and the different colors, that´s why edit this photo.  

Then came fotolog.com and stopped using the photoblog. Used increasingly less and less each time rose photos. Appeared after Facebook, a platform that not only could upload pictures but chat, comment statements, etc.

Despite this occasionally to check my fotoblog and remember what you see as I am now and that made me think that things change and still remain.

Max Weber, an expert in the bureaucracy

Max Weber was a German sociologist, philosopher, and political economist whose ideas influenced social theorysocial research, and the entire discipline of sociology.

Weber described many ideal types of public administration and government in his masterpiece "Economy and Society". His critical study of the bureaucratisation of society became one of the most enduring parts of his work. It was Weber who began the studies of bureaucracy and whose works led to the popularisation of this term.

Weber in the economic level, regarded himself primarily as a "political economist", and all of his professorial appointments were in economics, though today his contributions in that field are largely overshadowed by his role as a founder of modern sociology. As an economist, Weber belonged to the "youngest" German historical school of economics. The great differences between that school's interests and methods on the one hand and those of the neoclassical school (from which modern mainstream economics largely derives) on the other, explain why Weber's influence on economics today is hard to discern.

The importance nowadays is the concept of bureaucracy because today the governments in the form of manage use this model. But the bureaucracy is not always the best form, because it involves excessive hierarchization.

The first time I heard Weber was before studying Public Administration. I was looking for some text that involved Protestantism with the economy and I found his book "Die Protestantische Ethik und der 'Geist' des Kapitalismus" (The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism). It is very interesting what expresses in his work and from there I learned more about him.

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Challenging the Logic

 I've always liked the drawing and pictures. My father is a professional artist and when I was little he drew for me and taught me to draw. I have been to some museum and gallery of different artist but my favorite artist is M. C. Escher.

The first time when I saw a drawing by Escher was incredible. M C. Escher is one of the world's most famous graphic artists. His art is enjoyed by millions of people all over the world, as can be seen on the many web sites on the internet. He is most famous for his so-called impossible constructions. He challenging the logic with his creation, his artistic works are wonderfully paradoxical and is the reason that I love him.

 He said "I don't grow up. In me is the small child of my early days". He express things that are so beautiful and pure, things that only child can imagine. I feel like Escher. When I look his art I imagine fantastic things, a parallel world where everything is possible.